Eyes Of Tomorrow - Settle For More

Debut album of the band from the Ruhr area. Eleven songs that have it all!

Review OX Fanzine 2020

In times like these, when it feels like a new musical genre sees the light of day every few weeks and is celebrated as the “next big thing”, bands like EYES OF TOMORROW are needed. The musicians from the Ruhr area have dedicated themselves to the classic hardcore school, straightforward, direct and straightforward. Produced crisply, the eleven songs make good progress, but without playing the “stump is trump” card too much. MADBALL’s groove finds its way very often, the double bass is processed properly and whoever was able to start something with the metallic phase of AGNOSTIC FRONT is also served here with one or the other fine solo. The rhythm section knows what they're doing, powerful riffs and a surprisingly variable shouter ensure half an hour of the best old-school pleasure. And if you borrowed the band name from a CRO-MAGS song, you can't go wrong anyway. As soon as you can go to shows again and the local health department approves the mosh pit, you should definitely check out EYES OF TOMORROW. For the quarantine at home, this works extremely well on disk.